博客來精選推薦39 Great Florida Retirement Towns- From the Very Affordable to the Upscale


39 Great Florida Retirement Towns- From the Very Affordable to the Upscale

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39 Great Florida Retirement Towns- From the Very Affordable to the Upscale

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39 Great Florida Retirement Towns- From the Very Affordable to the Upscale


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Florida continues to be popular with retirees, thanks to its favorable tax structure, warm weather and beautiful beaches. Not all Florida towns, however, are created equal. Many of the beach towns are very expensive, and many of the affordable towns have a high crime rate. Here we look at thirty nine Florida towns that are worth considering for retirement. Some of these are well known. Many are lesser known. Nineteen of them have a cost of living that meets the national average or is less than the national average. Twenty of these towns have a cost of living that is higher than the national average. The towns with the lower costs are not fancy places, but they are comfortable, and they have a crime rate that is below or equal to the national average. The upscale towns have amenities and a quality of life that are worth the higher costs.In each town, we look at population, median home price, percentage of people age 45 or better, medical facilities, transportation, climate, political leanings and more. And because no place is perfect, we also note each town’s drawbacks.

商品訊息簡述: 台中水晶專賣店

  • 作者: Kelley, Kris
  • 原文出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
  • 出版日期:2015/03/29
  • 語言:英文

39 Great Florida Retirement Towns- From the Very Affordable to the Upscale


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